April 18
th, 2008
* This dream is remarkable because it’s very rare that my ‘epic’ dreams have a final ending, although this was a final ending put forth by my conscious state of lucid dreaming. I have only been able to control my lucid dreaming from a specific standpoint and not necessarily from the entire dream, it flits in and out from conscious dreaming to unconscious uncontrolled dreaming.
*This is the second dream in a week that took place at my dad’s house.
Aaron and I were at his parents house in Lorain Ohio. We had been visiting and were on our way out the door. Aaron was going to take me somewhere specific and special to him that was down the street from his house. It was a place that could be apparently seen from his backyard, although later, when we reach our destination, I cannot see his house, but he is on his cell phone with his parents and they can see Aaron’s car…. We pulled into a parking lot, and Aaron started driving down one of the parking lot aisles going incredibly fast. I looked at the speedometer and realized that he was going about 50 MPH! I said: “Do you realize that you’re going 50?” He got surprised and slowed down. He called his family because he couldn’t find this childhood memory area in the parking lot that he wanted to take me to. They gave him directions, he went straight ahead, then right into this rather unkempt area of the parking lot that led into a park. We got out of the car, he got off the phone, and then we went in. We walked a little ways and came upon a large clearing surrounded by woods with a weird stainless steal island of kitchen cupboards in the middle of it. Aaron walked up to it, while I stayed where I was looking around. A rather large cat came up and I bent down to pet it. It was about twice the size as a domesticated house cat and had really dark brown fur. When it moved in certain ways, the light that hit its fur would make it shine an almost purple-blue color. The cat followed me up to Aaron and he started explaining the place he took me to. It was a self-serve ice cream station where, if you put a quarter in it, it will give you as much vanilla or chocolate ice cream you want as well as fixings like fudge, sprinkles, etc. There were a few different taps that each item would come out, the only limit to the machine is you had a certain amount of time to get whatever you wanted before it would shut off and you would need another quarter to continue. For the average, reasonable customer, one quarter was enough to get a good amount of ice cream and fixings. There were thin Styrofoam bowls to the left of the machine for you to pick up before you started. Aaron had two quarters for us, and put one in for me to start getting my fixings. I accidentally dispensed too much ice cream into my Styrofoam container. I grabbed another bowl and dumped half the vanilla ice cream into there, then gave it to the cat following me. I started reaching for the toppings when my quarter ran out! I looked down and the cat had started eating from my bowl as well. It was contaminated and I wanted another ice cream… but we only had one quarter left. I checked in my pockets and I didn’t have any. Aaron and I would have to split his quarter. I said that I would go check at my dad’s house, which happened to be a little further into the woods. I walked on and came to my dad’s. He was the only one home and was busy in the kitchen. The cat had followed me this whole way but I didn’t let it in the house. We started talking then I looked out the sliding doors. More and more animals were gathering in my dad’s backyard. I walked outside onto the deck to look at them. When I walked outside they seemed to get very agitated, as if they wanted to attack but were restraining themselves. I walked back in the house and started telling my dad my new concerns about the animals outside. He started telling me not to worry about it and it was no big deal. I kept looking out the window to see more and more animals outside on the lawn. I kept bringing up my concern, more and more forcefully than before. By that time, my dad was more than upset with me about it and kept yelling that it wasn’t happening and it was all in my head. Then, after this, at some point I became a different woman. I had long blonde hair and I was a little older than I am in real life. There was a black lady with me with long hair in many braids and a chubby older woman with reddish blonde fly-away hair. My dad was no longer there at all. By this time, there were tons of animals outside, wearing armor… and waiting. There were rows and rows of them, but far back in the distance was something on a throne sitting high above all the others. The chubby woman took the black woman’s hand, who took mine, and we ventured out into the crowd. Many of the animals swiped and punched at us but it was like there was an invisible wall that surrounded us that they couldn’t penetrate. We made our way to the creature that was on the throne, but I couldn’t make out what type of creature it was. It was large and dark green, with dry leathery skin. It was so tall that I couldn’t actually see it’s head. The two women with me and this creature talked for a long time about something, then we turned to leave. I momentarily let go of the black woman’s hand and then the creature made a loud yelling noise, as if he just realized I was there. I quickly grabbed on, and chained together, the three of us ran back into my dad’s house and shut the doors. It suddenly dawned on me who these two women were. The black lady was some type of a helper. The chubby red-haired lady was God… God then explained that she was there to supervise me. There were situations coming up with this animal war against myself, and I would have to figure out the right solutions in order to escape. She said that there was only one specific series of events that would lead to my potential salvation from this house and away from the animals, but if I didn’t make the exact and correct choices, I would be at the mercy of the animals. I began thinking of ways to confuse the animals once they broke into the house, and I decided on hiding in my dad’s bedroom since it had a bathroom coming off of it, as well as a window that I could escape from if necessary. I went to the two other bedrooms to shut them and lock the doors so that when the animals finally broke into the house (which I figured they would through the living room since it’s mostly full-length glass windows and sliding doors there) they wouldn’t know which room I was in and would have to try all of them. At first I thought of hiding in the small bathroom because there were no windows at all, so there was no chance that they would spot my exact location by an accidental jaunt in front of the window or a misplaced shadow or movement I could cast that they would catch onto. But, if those animals broke into that room, I would be cornered and surely killed. So, I locked up the other rooms in the house from the inside and then locked myself in my dad’s master bedroom with the two other women. I stayed in there for a really long time, listening to the animals rally and attack the house. I stayed close to my dad’s closet and away from the windows. After a while the attack slowed down, and then I looked down at my stomach. It was a bit pudgy. I was pregnant! Then God realized that I was pregnant too. I slinked by the window and looked out. There were no animals outside, it was almost as if they were never there. I started letting my guard down… then I heard men singing outside on my dad’s porch. I unlocked the door, walked down the hall and looked out the window onto the front porch. Three guys that I know (in the dream only, in real life I have no clue who they are, they look like no one I know) were singing on the porch. I opened up the door and whispered to them that it wasn’t a good idea and to stop it right now. They didn’t stop and kept singing. I turned around and walked back toward the hall, when I saw that cat looking at me from the other side of the living room through the full length glass windows. I walked by it and then back into the master bedroom, all the while the guys on the porch kept singing at the top of their lungs. Then, after I was in the master bedroom with the door locked, they stopped singing abruptly, in mid-sentence. Suddenly, the animal noises started up again and they had broken into the house. I ran toward the window of the room but I was surrounded on the outside as well as the inside, so I ran back into the bathroom and hid in the shower stall. God and the black lady accompanied me in there. The animals broke down the door to the master bedroom and started swarming in, making their way to the attached bathroom. Then God and the black lady grabbed a hold of me. The shower stall door opened and the animals started swiping at me, but their swipes were deflected by another invisible wall. They couldn’t see me, but they knew I was in there. Eventually, they gave up and all left. I ran out of the bathroom and bedroom and then into the hallway. They knew I was in that room, none of the locked doors were disturbed at all! To make things worse, I was out in the open, I couldn’t get into any of the other rooms because they were locked from the inside! Then I remembered the attic was right above me, I pulled the cord to the trap door and the stairs came down. I ascended into the attic along with the two other women. The black lady was last. She pulled up the stairs and shut the trap door… but forgot to detach the string that would enable the animals to get into the attic! I looked out the window and saw that I was looking into the garage at my dad’s house and into the other attic that faced over the garage, as if they were connected by the fact that they were attics. No animals were in site. They were all concentrating on the left side of the house where I was, but somehow through the window I could see that I was looking at the right side! The garage door was open and Lea’s car was parked in it, almost waiting for me to speed away in it. Then I realized why I could see the right side of the house through the attic window even though I was in the attic on the left. It was the same reason why God had shielded me from the animals in the shower stall… I had chosen the wrong course, but now that I was pregnant, God’s priorities had changed and now I needed to live. God was magically guiding me along to this purpose so that both me and my baby wouldn’t die. I looked out the window for a long time, wondering how to go about getting to thec car without attracting attention when I saw a long haired black and white cat walk across the garage with a kitten following behind it. The kitten had branches in it’s mouth. It came to a hole in the ground and tossed the branches in it, almost covering up the hole completely. Suddenly, the branches started moving, and another little black and white kitten popped out…
Suddenly, I was lucid dreaming, and I was trying to control this blonde woman to break the glass on the window to escape, since eventually the animals would discover the cord to the attic door and try there. I replayed it in my mind twice the actions of the woman jumping down onto the slope of the roof, then jumping onto the ground, running across the driveway, getting into the car with God and the black lady both in the back seat and driving away. I imagined it and forced it happening twice, and then I was no longer in control of anything.
I was me again, brunette and NOT pregnant J! I was in a nursing home with Jen from high school. I was trying to find a bathroom because I had to poop, while Jen was asking me about a project we had to do for Spanish class. She asked me what I was going to bring in, (we had to cook something) and I said I’m just going to bring in an avocado. This made her really angry because we had to make something OUT of an avocado, but when I told her that, I was thinking about hollowing out the avocado shell then making guac out of the insides and then putting it back in the avocado skin so it would be like a bowl of guac. I turned a corner and there was a rag on the floor of the nursing home soaked with something that smelled repugnant yet familiar. Later I realized that it smelled exactly like squirrel pee, but I knew that it was puke. (Squirrel pee smells like ammonia with a little extra spice). I found the bathrooms but they had these weird jelly-like toilet bowls in front of the toilets. My Noona was there, using one of the higher toilets because she had arthritis and couldn’t bend down to the shorter jelly mold toilet bowls. I tried to poop on one of the higher ones, but nothing would come out. I kept thinking about the avocado dish I wanted to make. I couldn’t go, so I got up and went to the sink. There were two sinks that I could use, and without looking I started using one. I looked down while I was washing my hands and I realized I picked the wrong sink. I was washing my hands over a huge storage of candy, from stuff that was wrapped to green gobstoppers. The gobstoppers were melting and sticking together from getting wet. I stopped and started using the other sink.
* My Noona is no longer alive.
* I went to a Catholic highschool and gradeschool, I see undulating references to my rejected and early teachings on God, religion, etc. throughout this entire story.
* My dad lives in the middle of the woods, and I absolutely cannot stand being there at night.