
Abandoned House Dream Series #3

The Dream: (this ones' a bit boring today)

I was exploring an abandoned house. It was in a neighborhood surrounded by houses that were not abandoned at all, with children playing in fenced yards. While exploring inside this house, I found an old, wonderful, and wooden dining room table that was in excellent condition. Somehow, I estimated that it was worth about $9,000.00 exactly. I wanted to steal it from the house. I found a truck, drove it to the house, and parked it in the back. I wanted to be very secretive about this entire process and did not want to get caught.

Dream Notes:

This is actually the third dream about abandoned houses that I have had in the past month, but the only one documented at the moment.


Anonymous said...
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psychoticartists said...

a common pre-marriage paranoia dream / an unknown abandoned house is a far off corner of your psyche, beyond either fiances' personal unconscious (lack of ANY familiarity) deeper into the collective unconscious of humanity that binds us all as one / the external reality/neighborhood is a representation of our societies' conscious expectations of the oncoming union of lives (the stereotypical joyfully functional family units / but you have chosen the more difficult road of prioritizing introspective exploration above tradition : freedom from slavery / although you have rejected the common lifestyle and may feel alienated from traditional culture, discovering antiquities of great beauty and value reminds you that another family had found prosperity in this alternate dimension / you should take comfort to know that the path less traveled has in fact been traveled by billions, maintaining the same ratio between success/failure as the road jammed with traffic / when you look within and sense value in ancient forgotten things, you should take them for your own! / it is very likely that it is of greater value than any of the crap you'd buy at market / your neighbors' altars of family politics are cheap-ass mass-marketed fad-furniture that would break the first time you fxcked on it / the individual can utilize valuable archetypal discoveries to expand their psyche, but when the mass senses value in your discovery it will demonize it with paranoid fear and jealousy / after they arrest and publicly execute you both for theft, they will ceremonially chop up and burn the wonderful table in the towne square / They will torch the abandoned house and build an IKEA