In this particular dream, I was a 12-14 year old boy, pursued by a tall, black haired man in a grey shirt. He was chasing me in a house that was a giant maze of rooms and hallways. Even though he was gaining on me, I still had a one-up on him. I had a superpower. I could flex my hands (similar to spiderman) and expel a substance similar to black silly string right out of my palms. The stream that would flow from each hand was very thick, about the same width as my palms themselves. This stuff could make a forcefield and deflect the man coming after me. All of a sudden, his acomplice (a frail man with a long crooked nose and small glasses) accidently ingested some of my forcefield-making substance! Then I could no longer use my powers! No matter how hard I tried to flex my hands to produce the stuff, it wouldn't come out. Something dawned on the black haired man, that maybe his acomplice had ingested my powers and could turn them against me. He told the frail man to pee in a red tin and then drink a tiny amount. If he drank his own pee, he would be able to harness my powers and use them. He bent down and started drinking the pee but, instead of achieving the expected goal, he looked up at me wide-eyed and started crying, saying: "Please don't hurt my friends!" This proved that he was embodying part of me inside of himself, so if he actually drank the rest of his own pee he would possess my powers. I lunged forward and grabbed the tin. I ran down a hallway to my right. His pee kept sloshing back and forth in the tin and spilling on me as I ran. Then, while still running, I pinched my nose and then started taking gulp after gulp. I kept gagging as I drank it. Then, I forgot to hold my nose and pinched my ear shut to keep drinking it -- then I stopped realizing that I could taste the pee because I was pinching the wrong body part. I pinched my nose again and drank the rest of it, gagged on it, and continued running down the hall. My pursuer was at the end, blocking my only exit. I tried to stop him by ejecting the silly-string substance but I couldn't get my power to come back. I kept straining and straining to make the substance come out, but it wouldn't... even though I drank the acomplice's pee.
In this particular dream, I was a 12-14 year old boy, pursued by a tall, black haired man in a grey shirt. He was chasing me in a house that was a giant maze of rooms and hallways. Even though he was gaining on me, I still had a one-up on him. I had a superpower. I could flex my hands (similar to spiderman) and expel a substance similar to black silly string right out of my palms. The stream that would flow from each hand was very thick, about the same width as my palms themselves. This stuff could make a forcefield and deflect the man coming after me. All of a sudden, his acomplice (a frail man with a long crooked nose and small glasses) accidently ingested some of my forcefield-making substance! Then I could no longer use my powers! No matter how hard I tried to flex my hands to produce the stuff, it wouldn't come out. Something dawned on the black haired man, that maybe his acomplice had ingested my powers and could turn them against me. He told the frail man to pee in a red tin and then drink a tiny amount. If he drank his own pee, he would be able to harness my powers and use them. He bent down and started drinking the pee but, instead of achieving the expected goal, he looked up at me wide-eyed and started crying, saying: "Please don't hurt my friends!" This proved that he was embodying part of me inside of himself, so if he actually drank the rest of his own pee he would possess my powers. I lunged forward and grabbed the tin. I ran down a hallway to my right. His pee kept sloshing back and forth in the tin and spilling on me as I ran. Then, while still running, I pinched my nose and then started taking gulp after gulp. I kept gagging as I drank it. Then, I forgot to hold my nose and pinched my ear shut to keep drinking it -- then I stopped realizing that I could taste the pee because I was pinching the wrong body part. I pinched my nose again and drank the rest of it, gagged on it, and continued running down the hall. My pursuer was at the end, blocking my only exit. I tried to stop him by ejecting the silly-string substance but I couldn't get my power to come back. I kept straining and straining to make the substance come out, but it wouldn't... even though I drank the acomplice's pee.
1 comment:
going backwards in age, stepping out of your gender, becoming your shadow, being chased by the shadow of the other, through the vast unexplored interiors of your unconscious mind, the other gains on you, oh fearless paranormal child, you launch dark matter into the face of the universe, arrogant child of gods, the weakest other turns feces into gold, taking the lightening from your fists,you see the game, "PEE IN THE RED TIN!" sayeth the dark lord to his minion, "DRINKETH OF THINE OWN URINE AND INHERIT THE WEALTH OF YOUR MASTER!" when taking in the life force of another you must begin with the pain of birth, but cut the weed while it is young and weak, drink the urine of your oppressor to take back the throne you once held, it was all a lie.
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