It was Friday night. Mike and I met up and were going to go to a bar to hang out. We got there, and I met some guy… who I took back to my apartment to hang out with. He saw the guitar in my room, one that Jasper had let me borrow. The guy I brought back said he was going to show me something interesting. He grabbed my hand and sort-of jumped down the neck of the guitar along the strings then into the sound hole. Suddenly, I was in this other world that was an alternate dimension and existed alongside ours but without any NYC buildings. The guy that jumped in with me had changed. He was a tall, skinny, female alien. S/he told me that I was brought there to be impregnated so I could continue their alien race. She was the only female alien left and all the thousands of others there were male. I started freaking out and tried to get back out the way I came, but I couldn’t leave the alternate dimension through the guitar… so I started wandering around and avoiding the aliens. I walked up on a hill, and suddenly felt this breeze around my knees that felt like really cold February air. I bent down and found that there was an invisible hole that led back into my dimension. I could also feel an invisible door that could shut it too, but it didn’t have a handle. Once it was shut it could never be opened. I escaped through the tiny doorway, which was about the size of an eave doorway in an attic. I ended up coming out of a small cellar door onto a side of a hill with my apartment building to it’s left. I called Mike over and explained to him what happened. He asked me to show him how to get into the guitar, and I did. We crossed over into the other dimension, which caused Mike to turn into a solid navy-blue alien because he’s male. The others were all variants of many colors, so I could tell Mike apart from the crowds. I couldn’t get him through the invisible door for some reason so I had to leave him there to find more help. I noticed that it was snowing in NYC, and the snow was entering the invisible doorway and collecting near the entrance. I thought that maybe the alien that tricked me into coming there would find the invisible door outlined with snow and shut it, that way Mike and I could be stuck there forever. I left him to guard it and went back into our dimension. Jasper came over and I tried to explain to him how Mike was stuck in the other world and how we got there through the guitar. He didn’t believe me, so I told him to look out the apartment window and watch the cellar on the hill. I put my arm into the guitar’s sound hole and it appeared as though it was coming out the cellar door. I waved my hand frantically to prove my point. Jasper still didn’t believe me and thought I was messing with him. He thought my trick was amazing and wanted to know who was hiding in the cellar and synchronizing their arm movements with mine. I explained again how the guitar and cellar worked and showed him by throwing a pill bottle into the guitar’s sound hole. The pill bottle flew out of the cellar door and landed on the hillside. He still thought it was an amazing trick and still didn’t believe me. I asked him what I could possibly put through the hole that would convince him. He happened to have a different guitar and told me that he would believe me if I could get the neck of the guitar he brought to come out of the cellar. I did just that and he was finally convinced.
**the photo is Lauren Chester's from: http://artemer.wordpress.com/