April 2nd, 2009
I was in someone’s garage – a garage not connected to a house, and actually, there were no houses on that property. There was just a garage with a driveway leading to it and hedges on either side. Also, on either side of the garage’s property were two houses, one on the right had a garage attached to it and very close to the hedge boundary of the garage I was in. The person that owned that property must also this lonely garage. I walked around, admiring all the crazy clutter, when I saw a metal 8 ft tall shelf with a weird infestation. They were strange monkey like creatures with some black fur and hands with opposable thumbs, but their back ends were green and chameleon lizard like. I couldn’t decide, through the whole encounter, whether they were monkeys or lizards. The only thing I did know was they were a very common animal – like sparrows or squirrels, and were everywhere. I started trying to teach them things. I tried to teach them how to give the middle finger, since I didn’t know sign language. I kept giving them the middle finger until they caught on and did it back. When they did, it looked more like the way that Margaret Cho does it, which actually looks really awkward. They will be able to pull their middle finger up, but only halfway bending their other fingers down instead of holding them down with their thumb. Then, some man noticed that I was in his garage and came in yelling ‘What did you see!?’ I pointed at the monkey-lizards and walked past him down the driveway in the bright sun – I think I was in L.A. or somewhere else wonderfully sunny and warm. He started following me really discretely, under the impression that I wouldn’t know he was behind me. I think he thought I saw something illegal in his garage (which I didn’t) and wanted to get rid of me. I would start talking to people about my problems and my fears about this guy following me. The guy would actually switch them out for someone that looked very similar to the person I was talking to. This person would try to kill me and I eventually caught on that the guy following me was omnipotent and was finding hit men that looked like the people I was talking to. I started to get more and more wary, and during one conversation, I realized that I wasn’t talking to the same person any more and actually saw the swap take place. I started running away.
We went to see Margaret Cho in November, who is my favorite comedian, and I marveled at how she could flip people off without holding her other fingers down – and so effortlessly.
I visited L.A. this year to research grad schools. I also went to Florida this year as well, so this dream could take place at either of those.
1 comment:
This dreamspace consists of a similarly progressive arrangement of symbolical spaces as the "complete contentment" dream. There is someone elses house on one property (the "other") and it has an garage attached to it. Garages are our extra spaces where we store our "other" things, away from our living space. So we now have the "other" of the "other". But you are on the other side of the hedgerow entering a garage adjacent to the "others" garage. You have a sense that this garage must be the "other's" "other" "other" space. The house is the other's consciousness, their adjoined garage is the other's personal unconscious, and the adjacent garage on the next property is the other's collective unconscious which you are now exploring. This space may seem like it belongs to the other, but it is collective, it equally belongs to the other in you. A shelf in a garage is where you put the "other" stuff (ie: not the car or the lawn mower). So now we have the other in the other's other other that is shared as the other in you. (My brain just exploded) to be continued...
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